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The month of May is traditionally dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. We encourage all faithful to pray the Rosary and the Loreton Litany especially together with the family.

This year our parish celebrates the 70th anniversary of its foundation. A committee will be set up to organize events to mark the anniversary. We invite parishioners to participate both in the work of the committee and in the organization of the events. The committee will meet on the 21st May after the evening Mass in the parish hall.

The Ascension of the Lord solemnity will be celebrated on Thursday 9.5. There will be Mass in Finnish at 10 am, Mass in Finnish for children at 11.30, Mass in Polish at 4 pm and Mass in English at 6 pm. All Catholic are obliged to attend the Mass on Thursday.

There will be the First Communion feast for children on Sunday 12.5 at 11.30 in Finnish and 2.30 pm in English.

Our parish organizes a summer camp for youth aged 13-19 in Sastamala and Tampere from the 6th till 9th June 2024. Participation fee 100 EUR (incl. transportation). More information about the camp and registration:

The Diocesan Caritas hopes for our donations to support summer camps for children and youth. Many children and youth come from poor families and they ask Caritas for help. More details on the information board.

The Novena of blessed Hemming will begin on the 13th of May. There will be Mass and Adoration on every day of Novena at 6 pm in St. Bridget’s and blessed Hemming’s church in Turku. Bishop Raimo Goyarrola will celebrate Holy Mass on the feast of blessed Hemming the 22nd of May at 6 pm in the Lutheran cathedral in Turku. Let us remember to ask blessed Hemming for intercessions in our prayers. More details on the information board.

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