We will celebrate during the next week the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Tuesday 6.8. There will be Mass in Finnish at 7.30 am in Finnish and at 6 pm in English. There will be the memorial of St. Dominic on Thursday 8.8, feast of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross on Friday 10.8 and feast of St. Lawrence on Saturday.
The Bible sharing group will meet on Thursday 8.8 after the evening Mass in the parish hall.
There will be catechesis in Finnish for pre-school children on Sunday 11.8 at 10 am in the parish hall and Mass in English at 11.30.
The Diocesan feast will be held on Saturday, the 17th of August 2024 in Lohja. The celebrations will begin with a Holy Mass in Saint Lawrence Church at 11 am. There will be lunch, coffee and a prayer to the Blessed Mary. Our parish will arrange bus transport. The bus will leave at 9.30 am, the cost is 20 €. For reservations contact our parish office (tel. 050 434 4260 or maria(ät)katolinen.fi) or write your name on the list which is on the information board. There is another list for those who will go by own car.
If your child in the third grade or older has not yet received his/her First Communion, please register him/her for the First Communion preparation class. The class starts in September and is held once a month on Saturdays until the First Communion. Please register at the parish office (tel. 050 434 4260 or maria(ät)katolinen.fi).
We ask the parents of all youngsters in the eighth grade to register their teenagers for the preparatory course for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Also, any youth or young adult who is older than that age and has not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation is very welcome to register for the course beginning in September. Please register at the parish office (tel. 050 434 4260 or maria(ät)katolinen.fi).
Registration for the Diocesan Youth Days ends next Thursday 8.8. More information about the event can be found on the notice board.
A Life in the Spirit seminar will be organised, covering the basics of faith and deepening understanding of the work and gifts of the Holy Spirit. More information on the notice board.
So called “Open Doors´ Day” will be celebrated on Sat 7.9. from 11-15 in honour of the 70th anniversary of our parish. The programme includes a presentation of the church, a photo exhibition on the history of the church, a children’s point for the youngest members of the family and a cake and coffee. Volunteers are invited to participate in the Open Doors Day baking, coffee making, and maintaining order and cleanliness. Sign up on the list on the bulletin board, or at the church office.