This post is also available in: Suomi (Finnish)
Those who will visit a graveyard and pray for the faithful departed from the 1st until the 8th of November can receive a plenary indulgence for the departed under the general conditions.
In order to obtain it, the faithful must, in addition to being in the state of grace:
There will be no confession and adoration on Monday 4.11.
The lay group of Sacred Heart of Jesus will gather on Thursday 7.11. after the evening Mass in the parish hall.
(Mainly in Finnish due to having mainly Finnish speakers in the group at the moment, but anyone interested is welcome!)
The charismatic prayer group gathers on Fridays after the evening Mass in the parish hall.
The First Communion classes will be held in Finnish on Saturday 11.11. at 10 am and the Confirmation classes at 3.30 pm in the parish hall.
We invite children to a Sunday school in Finnish. The meeting will take place on Sunday 10.11. at 10 am in the parish hall. There will be the Holy Mass in Finnish for children at 11.30 am.
Throughout November we will pray for the dead. Parishioners can send us the names of deceased relatives and friends by email: The names of the deceased will be read and prayed for during the Adorations in November.
We can help the homeless and poor people by donating hygiene products to a charity foundation called Sininauhasäätiö. There is a list of products on the information board.
We sincerely thank the parishioners who support our church with regular membership fee. It is possible to support our parish through the MobilePay app with the number 47373.