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We thank parishioners, who helped last Saturday cleaning in the church, building the crib and cleaning the parish hall.
It is important that every Catholic attends the sacrament of penance before Christmas.
During the Advent we support those in need. Caritas Finland’s Advent Collection supports farmers in Congo. We can donate via Caritas web page, directly to Caritas bank account, via Mobile pay or to the donation box in the church.
On the next Saturday 24.12: There will be a morning Mass at 10 am, the Christmas Eve Mass in Finnish for children in Finnish at 2 pm. All children who would like to participate as angles and shepherds in this Holy Mass please come to the parish hall at 1 pm. There will be Mass in Tagalog at 4 pm, the Christmas Eve Mass at midnight, half an hour before midnight we will sing Carols.
On the Christmas day there will be the Bishop’s Mass in Finnish at 12, Mass in English at 2 pm, Mass in Polish at 4 pm and Mass in English at 6 pm.
A marriage course will be organized for those who plan to get marry next year. The course will begin on the 10th of January 2023 in the parish hall of St. Henry’s cathedral at 7 pm.
We invite all 14 – 30 years old young people to participate in the World Youth Day in Portugal next year. More details on the information board.