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The memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated on Monday 21.11.
St. Cecilia’s memorial will be celebrated on Tuesday 21.11. St. Cecilia is a patron saint of church music and musicians. We thank our organists Markku Mäkinen, Ann-Catrin Wecktröm and all members of choirs for their important service in our church. There will be a meeting for choirs’ members on Monday 21.11 after the evening Mass in the parish hall.
The Legion of Mary group gathers on Fridays after the evening Mass in the parish hall.
Mass in Lithuanian will be celebrated on Saturday 26.11.
We invite children from 5 to 8 years old to a Sunday school in Finnish. The meeting will take place on the next Sunday, 27.11 at 10 am in the parish hall. There will be the Holy Mass in Finnish for children at 11.30 am.
The liturgical time of Advent begins on Sunday 27.11.
We invite all 14 – 30 years old young people to participate in the World Youth Day in Portugal next year. More details on the information board.
There are 12 candidates to the new parish council. The list of candidates will be published in the church and on the website.