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The memorial of St. Alfonso Maria de’Liguori will be celebrated on Monday 1.8

A student choir from Portugal will perform Christian songs on Tuesday 2.8 after the evening Mass.

There will be an adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the next Friday 5.8 in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The adoration will start after the evening Mass and will last till midnight.

The feast of the transfiguration of the Lord will be celebrated on Saturday 6.8. There will be Mass in Finnish at 10 am.

The traditional diocesan feast will be held on Saturday 13.8.2022 in Turku. The diocesan feast will begin with a solemn Mass in Turku Cathedral at 11.00. Afterwards, there will be a lunch for €5, followed by a devotion to St Mary in Koroinen. Our parish will arrange bus transport. The bus leaves at 8.30 am from the church. The bus fare for adults is 20 euros. Registrations on the list on the notice board at the entrance the church or by e-mail. Please pay in advance to the parish bank account: FI65 1023 3000 2047 89. For all those who are traveling by car, please register either on the list on the notice board or by an e-mail.

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