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The Church of God is convoked in Synod. With this convocation, Pope Francis invites the whole Church to question itself on synodality: a decisive theme for the life and mission of the Church. The preparation to the Synod on the parish level begins on Sunday, the 17th of October 2021. We ask all who would like to participate in this preparation to contact the parish office.
We celebrate today the world mission day. We pray for missionary work of the Church and we have a collection for the missions.
October is a month dedicated to the Rosary prayer. We pray together the Rosary before the English Mass at 5.30 pm. We encourage to pray the Rosary in our church after the evening Holy Mass on weekdays and to pray the Rosary at home especially with your families.
The feast of saint evangelist Luke will be celebrated on Monday 18.10.
The Holy Mass will be celebrated in Hyvinkää on the next Saturday (23.10) in Vanha kirkko (the Old church) at 4 pm.
We invite children from 5 to 8 years old to a Sunday school in Finnish. The meeting will take place on the next Sunday, 24.10 at 10 am in the parish hall. There will be Mass in Finnish for children at 11.30.
We thank parishioners who regularly support our parish with the membership fee.