This post is also available in: Suomi (Finnish)

There will be an adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the First Friday of the month as reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (3.9). The adoraation will begin after the evening Mass and will last till midnight.

There will be Mass in Swedish on the next Sunday (5.9) at 11.30 am.

There will be Mass in Espoo, in Olari chapel on the next Sunday (5.9) at 4 pm.

The last two Carmelite sisters, sister Mary Edel and sister Lucy, will leave Finland on the 2nd of September. There will be no Masses in the monastery at least on weekdays. It is not yet decided about Masses on Sundays.

There will be an event called “Walk for life” on the 11th of September at 1pm. The gathering point is at the Senate Square in Helsinki and the walk will end at the Finnish Parliament. The purpose of the walk is to defend the life of unborn children.

There will be a procession in honour of the Nativity of Our Lady and celebration of the Legion of Mary’s centenary on Saturday, the 11th of September at 4.45 pm in our church.

The Holy Mass and other events can be attended only by registering in advance through the parish website. The use of a face mask and hand sanitizer is mandatory.

We thank parishioners who regularly support our parish with the membership fee.

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