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The Holy Mass and other events can be attended only by registering in advance through the parish website. If all places are booked, a parishioner can ask a priest to receive the Communion outside the Mass. The use of a face mask and hand sanitizer is mandatory. It is obligatory to maintain the social distancing also during the Communion.
The Lenten Collection of Caritas Finland supports young leaders to defend environment and human rights in Myanmar. You can donate via Caritas Finland website, directly to Caritas bank account or to the donation box in the church.
We will celebrate the Annunciation of the Lord solemnity on the next Thursday, 25.3.
On the next Sunday is the Passion Sunday – the Palm Sunday. It is a commemoration of Jesus’ arrival to Jerusalem and the events of His Passion. You can bring your own palm branches on Sunday. There will be no procession before the 10 am. Mass due to the Corona situation. There will be the blessing of palms at the beginning of the Mass in the church.
We invite children from 5 to 8 years old to a Sunday school in Finnish. The meeting will take place on the next Sunday, 28.3 at 10 am in the parish hall. There will be the Holy Mass in Finnish for children at 11.30 am.