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We celebrate ‘The Sunday of the Word of God’ instituted by Pope Francis on the 24th of January. The Sunday of the Word of God is meant to help people reawaken an awareness of the importance of Sacred Scripture for our lives as believers, beginning with its resonance in the liturgy which places us in living and permanent dialogue with God. With regard to those who proclaim the Word of God in the assembly – priests, deacons and lectors – there is a need of “specific interior and exterior preparation, familiarity with the text to be proclaimed and the necessary practice in the way of proclaiming it”.

A week of prayers for the unity of Christians ends on Monday, 25th of January. Let us remember to pray for the unity of Christians. The Finnish Ecumenical Council needs our financial support; we can put our donations into a box at the back of the church on your right during the week of prayers.

The feast of the conversion of St. Paul will be celebrated on Monday, 25th of January.

There will be Mass in German on the next Sunday, 31.1, at 2.30 pm.

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