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We will celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord on Wednesday 6.1. There will be Mass in Finnish at 10 am, Mass in Finnish for children at 11.30, Mass in English at 1 pm, Mass in Polish at 4 pm and Mass in English at 6 pm.
Stickers and prayers for the yearly home blessing are available in the porch. At the beginning pray together the Our Father and Hail Mary prayer, one reads the prayer of blessing and fixes the sticker. Donation for a sticker is at least 2 Euros to support the missionary work of the church.
The Mass in Karjaa scheduled on the 9th of January has been cancelled.
A marriage course will be organized for those who plan to get married next year. The course will begin on Tuesday, the 12th of January 2021 in the parish hall of St. Henry’s cathedral at 7 pm.
The Holy Mass and other events can be attended only by registering in advance for a maximum of 20 people. The use of a face mask is mandatory.