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The parish council recommends an obligatory use of a face mask during Masses on Sundays if it is difficult to keep safety distances and there are more than 70 persons in the church.
The feast of archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael will be celebrated on Tuesday, 29.9.
October is a month dedicated to the Rosary prayer. We pray the Rosary in our church after the evening Holy Mass on weekdays and on Sundays at 5.30 pm in English. We encourage all parishioners to pray the Rosary at home especially with your families.
There will be an adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the first Friday of the month to honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The adoration will start after the evening Mass and will end at midnight.
The Holy Mass will be celebrated in Karjaa, in St. Catharina church, on the next Saturday, 3.10, at 2 pm.
There will be a classic music concert “A ballad for the Autumn” in our church on the next Saturday at 4 pm. Meelis Milli will play the violin.
Bishop Teemu Sippo SCJ will celebrate the Holy Mass in our church at 10 am on the next Sunday, 4.10, and will give the sacrament of confirmation to our youth.
There will be Mass in Espoo, Olari chapel, on the next Sunday, 4.10, at 4 pm.