This post is also available in: Suomi (Finnish)

The Holy Week begins on the Palm Sunday. During the Holy Week we celebrate the mysteries of our Lord’s passion, death and resurrection, the central events of our salvation. During the Corona pandemic let us stay in unity with God and the Church through our prayers. Let us follow these celebrations with special devotion.

The celebrations of the Holy Week will be celebrated without the participation of the faithful. We can follow the events of the Holy Week on the Internet. There is a link to the live stream on the website of our parish:

The schedule for the Holy Week:

  • On the Holy Thursday the solemn Eucharist to commemorate the Last Supper of the Lord, the sacrament of Eucharist and priesthood. This is a feast of all priests. Holy Mass in Finnish at 6 pm.
  • Good Friday – the celebration of Jesus’ passion and death at 3 pm. Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence. Catholics between the ages of 18 until 60 are obliged to fast. In addition, all Catholics 14 years old and older must abstain from meat. Fasting means partaking of only one full meal and two small meals.
  • on the Holy Saturday the solemn Easter Vigil at 9.30
  • on the Easter Sunday the solemn Mass in Finnish at 10 am, Mass in Polish at 4 pm and Mass in English at 6 pm.

Many thanks to those who regularly support our parish financially and with voluntary work.

Let us remember the Lenten Collection of Caritas. Through this collection we can give the youngsters in Columbia a chance for a better future. We can send our donations directly to the bank account of the Caritas.

May God bless you during the Holy Week.

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