This post is also available in: Suomi (Finnish)

Father Zenon Strykowski SCJ has returned to Finland after his sabbatical time. He will continue his pastoral work in our parish as a chaplain. We wish him God’s abundant blessing.

This year’s Lenten Collection funds will be used to prevent the marginalization of youth in Pereira, Kolumbia. At the moment, one third of primary school pupils drop out of school and are exposed to drug abuse and delinquency. Through Lenten Collection we can give these youngsters a chance for a better future. You can put your donations into the collection box at the back of the church on your right.

There will be Holy Mass in Urdu on the next Saturday at 3 pm. Mass in Urdu will be celebrated once per month.

We will celebrate the Stations of the Cross in English on Sundays at 5.30 pm.

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