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We encourage parishioners to inform the parish office about possible changes of your address in order to update our register.
There will be an adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the next Friday in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The adoration will start after the evening Mass and will last till midnight.
The World Day of the Sick will be celebrated on Tuesday, 11th of February. Our sick parishioners can inform us that they are willing to receive the anointment of the sick during the Mass at 6 pm on Tuesday or at home. The anointment of the sick is a healing sacrament in which God bestows on us all what we need physically and spiritually to overcome illness and suffering. The anointment of the sick is recommended before surgery, for those suffering from chronic illnesses, for elderly. Don’t hesitate to ask for this sacrament.
You can bring to the church palm branches which were blessed last year on the Palm Sunday.