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Donations for Caritas’ this year’s Advent Collection will be used to give Syrian refugees in Jordan necessary medical treatment. Families who have fled war live in poverty and cannot afford to take their children to the hospital or buy them medication. Your donation gives a meaningful Christmas gift – health. We can send our donations directly to the bank account of Caritas or we can put our donations into the collection box at the back of the church on your right.
There will be a concert of Aava choir on Sunday, 15th of December at 8 pm in our church.
There will be a meeting of the parish council on the next Tuesday, 17.12 after the evening Mass.
It is very important that every Catholic will attend the sacrament of confession before Christmas. There will be an opportunity for confession on weekdays at 4.45 pm.
We invite all volunteers to clean the church on the next Saturday, 21.12, at 10.30 am.
All children who would like to participate as angles and shepherds in the Christmas Vigil Mass please come to the parish hall at 1 pm on the 24th of December.
A marriage course will be organized for those who plan to get marry next year. The course will begin on the 14th of January 2020 in the parish hall of St. Henry’s cathedral at 7 pm.
Elders and homebound persons can ask a priest to visit them at home and to bring the Holy Communion. Contact our parish office.