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Donations for Caritas’ this year’s Advent Collection will be used to give Syrian refugees in Jordan necessary medical treatment. Families who have fled war live in poverty and cannot afford to take their children to the hospital or buy them medication. Your donation gives a meaningful Christmas gift – health. We can send our donations directly to the bank account of Caritas or we can put our donations into the collection box at the back of the church on your right.
We will celebrate the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Monday, 9.12. There will be Mass in Finnish at 8 am and 6 pm.
The Holy Mass in Spanish will be celebrated on Thursday, 12.12, in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe.
The Holy Mass in Hungarian will be celebrated on the next Sunday, 15.12, at 4 pm in St. Henry’s cathedral. Confession will start at 3 pm.
There will be a concert of Aava choir on the next Sunday at 8 pm.
Elders and home-bound persons can ask a priest to visit them at home and to bring the Holy Communion. Contact our parish office.