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We will celebrate the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Thursday 21.11.

We will celebrate St. Cecilia’s commemoration on Friday, 22.11. St. Cecilia is a patron saint of the church music. We thank all musicians and choirs for their service in our church. There will be a concert to the honor of St. Cecilia on Friday at 7 pm.

There will be a meeting for the youth on Saturday, 23.11, at 4 pm in the parish hall.

We will celebrate the solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe on the next Sunday, 24.11.

We invite all children to a rehearsal of the Christmas play on the next Sunday after the Mass at 11.30.

A Gregorian Mass in Latin will be celebrated in St. Catharine church in Karjaa on the next Sunday, 24th of November at 4 pm. The adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will start at 3.15 pm.

There will be a procession in honor of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday, December 7th, starting at 4.30 pm in our church. After that, rosary, mass, and meeting in the parish hall.

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