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The letter of the Financial Council of the Diocese of Helsinki has caused misunderstandings.

  • The amount 150 € is an example of a membership fee for half a year for someone whose annual income is 20 000 €. Everyone needs to calculate the size of own membership fee.
  • If the monthly income is under 1250 €, there is no need to pay a membership.
  • However Catholics are obliged to pay the membership fee, the church will not take not paid fee to the debt collection agency.
  • If someone belonged to the Catholic Church in the country of his origin, he is also a member of the Catholic Church in Finland so is obliged to pay the membership fee.
  • If a Catholic leaves the Church in Finland, he will leave the universal Church in the whole world.
  • If someone would like to receive more information about the membership fee should call the Information Center: 09 612 9470 or the finance office: 050 337 7944.

The World Day of the Sick will be celebrated on Monday, 11th of February. Our sick parishioners can inform us that they are willing to receive the anointment of the sick during the Mass at 6 pm on Monday or at home. The anointment of the sick is a healing sacrament in which God bestows on us all what we need physically and spiritually to overcome illness and suffering. The anointment of the sick is recommended before surgery, for those suffering from chronic illnesses, for elderly. Don’t hesitate to ask for this sacrament.

There will be Mass in Aramaic on Wednesday, 13.2 at 7 pm.

There will be Mass in Malayalam on Saturday, 16.2 at 1 pm.

You can bring to the church palm branches which were blessed last year on the Palm Sunday.

The Legion of Mary invites to the thanksgiving Mass and reunion party on the 22nd of February at 6 pm in our church. Everybody welcome! Special invitation for all Legionaries of Mary from abroad.

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