This post is also available in: Suomi (Finnish)

A week of prayers for the unity of Christians has begun last Friday. The Finnish Ecumenical Council needs our financial support; we can put our donations into a box at the back of the church on your right during the week of prayers.

We will celebrate the feast of the conversion of St. Paul on Friday.

The World Youth Day (WYD) is organized this year in Panama. Because it is so far away there will be a vigil for all youngsters and young adults from Finland, with the aim of sharing together, buildign community, and joining in prayer with our brothers and sisters who will be in Panama. The event will take place on the next Saturday and Sunday, 26-27th of January. It will begin on the next Saturday at 4 pm in the parish hall. More information on the following page:

You can bring to the church palm branches which were blessed last year on the Palm Sunday.

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