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An extremely contagious illness called measles has been diagnosed in two adults in Tampere. Both patients were infected at the Mass at Holy Cross Church on the 25th of November 2018. If someone does not have protection against measles because has not received the MMR vaccine or has not had measles before, please call your local health center to receive the MMR vaccine.
During the Advent we support those in need. The Advent Collection 2018 of Caritas Finland supports young girls’ life skills and empowerment in high schools in the Philippines. We can send our donations directly to the bank account of Caritas or we can put our donations into the collection box at the back of the church on your right
It is very important that every Catholic will attend the sacrament of confession before Christmas. There will be an opportunity for confession on weekdays at 4.45 pm
All children who would like to participate as angles and shepherds in the Christmas Vigil Mass please come to the parish hall at 1 pm on the 24th of December.
Elders and homebound persons can ask a priest to visit them at home and to bring the Holy Communion. Contact our parish office.
A marriage course will be organized for those who plan to get marry next year. The course will begin on the 8th of January 2019 in the parish hall of St. Henry’s cathedral at 7 pm.
We thank all those, who regularly support our church.