Week 14 – announcements

Lent is a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving as the preparation for Easter. It is very important, that every Catholic will attend the sacrament of confession before Easter.

During the Lent we can help poor people through the Caritas Finland. The Lenten Collection 2025 supports those in need in Finland. Caritas helps migrants, the lonely and low-income families. Your donation enables camp support for children and youth, Christmas gift cards, and personal guidance and counseling. You can donate via Caritas website www.caritas.fi, directly to Caritas’ bank account or to the donation box in the church.

The Holy Mass for the soul of sister Mary Venard will be celebrated on Thursday 3.4. at 6 pm.

Sacred Heart of Jesus lay group will meet on Thursday, 3.4., after the evening mass, in the parish hall.

There will be an adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday 4.4 in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The adoration will start after the Stations of the Cross and will last till 10 pm.

We will celebrate the Stations of the Cross in English on Sundays at 5.30 pm.

We invite all couples planning to get married to a marriage course. The marriage course is a very important part of the preparation before marriage. The marriage course starts on Tuesday 22nd of April 2025 at 6.45 pm in the parish hall and consists of six meetings. The course will be held in Finnish and English.

Week 13 – announcements

Lent is a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving as the preparation for Easter. It is very important, that every Catholic will attend the sacrament of confession before Easter.

During the Lent we can help poor people through the Caritas Finland. The Lenten Collection 2025 supports those in need in Finland. Caritas helps migrants, the lonely and low income families. Your donation enables camp support for children and youth, Christmas gift cards, and personal guidance and counseling. You can donate via Caritas website www.caritas.fi, directly to Caritas’ bank account or to the donation box in the church.

The solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord will be celebrated on Tuesday 25.3. There will be a Mass in Finnish at 7.30 am and 6 pm. On the same day, the International Day of the Unborn Child is celebrated to defend the lives and human rights of unborn children.

A Catechism class for adults will take place on Thursday 28.3. after the evening Mass in the parish hall.

The charismatic prayer group will gather on Friday 21.3. at 7.15 pm in the parish hall.

There will be a meeting for youth on Saturday 29.3. It will start with a Mass at 6 pm. followed by the meeting in the parish hall.

We will celebrate the Stations of the Cross in English on Sundays at 5.30 pm.

We invite all couples planning to get married to a marriage course. The marriage course is a very important part of the preparation before marriage. The marriage course starts on Tuesday 22nd of April 2025 at 6.45 pm in the parish hall and consists of six meetings. The course will be held in Finnish and English.

Week 12 – announcements

Lent is a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving as the preparation for Easter. It is very important, that every Catholic will attend the sacrament of confession before Easter.
During the Lent we can help poor people through the Caritas Finland. The Lenten Collection 2025 supports those in need in Finland. Caritas helps migrants, the lonely and low-income families. Your donation enables camp support for children and youth, Christmas gift cards, and personal guidance and counseling. You can donate via Caritas website www.caritas.fi, directly to Caritas’ bank account or to the donation box in the church.

The solemnity of St. Joseph will be celebrated on Wednesday 19.3. There will be Mass in Finnish at 7.30 am and 6 pm.

The charismatic prayer group will gather on Friday 21.3. at 7.15 pm in the parish hall.

We invite children from 5 to 8 years old to a Sunday school in Finnish. The meeting will take place on Sunday 23.3. at 10 am in the parish hall.

There will be Mass partially in English and Tagalog on Sunday 23.3. at 1 pm.

We will celebrate the Stations of the Cross in English on Sundays at 5.30 pm.

We invite all couples planning to get married to a marriage course. The marriage course is a very important part of the preparation before marriage. The marriage course starts on Tuesday 22nd of April 2025 at 6.45 pm in the parish hall and consists of six meetings. The course will be held in Finnish and English.

Week 11 – announcements

Lent is a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving as the preparation for Easter. It is very important, that every Catholic will attend the sacrament of confession before Easter.

During the Lent we can help poor people through the Caritas Finland. The Lenten Collection 2025 supports those in need in Finland. Caritas helps migrants, the lonely and low-income families. Your donation enables camp support for children and youth, Christmas gift cards, and personal guidance and counseling. You can donate via Caritas website www.caritas.fi, directly to Caritas’ bank account or to the donation box in the church.

The Legion of Mary gathers on Mondays after the evening Mass in the parish hall.

Welcome to learn more about Caritas. The Open Door event will take place on Wednesday 12 March from 15-19. Welcome to visit and see what the proceeds of the Lenten collection can do for you!

There will be a Bible sharing meeting on Thursday 13.3. after the evening Mass in the parish hall.

The charismatic prayer group will gather on Friday 14.3. at 7.15 pm in the parish hall.

The First Communion and Confirmation classes in English will take place on Saturday 15.3.

A Lector Workshop – for readers at the Mass – will take place on Saturday 15th of March at 11 am.

There will be Mass in Hungarian on Saturday 15.3. at 4 pm in St. Henry’s cathedral.

We will celebrate the Stations of the Cross in English on Sundays at 5.30 pm.

We invite all couples planning to get married to a marriage course. The marriage course is a very important part of the preparation before marriage. The marriage course starts on Tuesday 22nd of April 2025 at 6.45 pm in the parish hall and consists of six meetings. The course will be held in Finnish and English.

We thank the parents who have organised a children’s corner in the church. It is a safe place for toddlers. We ask parents to guide their children to follow the Mass according to their child’s development.

Week 10 – announcements

There will be no morning Mass on Tuesday 4.3.

A course for English speakers who wish to improve their Finnish language skills for masses and prayers will continue on Tuesday 4.3. at 6.45 pm in the parish hall.

The time of Lent begins on Wednesday 5th of March, which is the Ash Wednesday. Lent is a time of penance, conversion and preparation for Easter. The best way of our spiritual renewal is to receive sacraments of confession and Eucharist, prayer, fast and charity work.

Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Fasting means partaking of only one full meal and of two light meals. In addition, all Catholics that are 14 years old and older must abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. There will be Holy Mass in Finnish on the Ash Wednesday at 7.30 am, 2 pm and 6 pm. Mass in English will be celebrated at 4 pm. We will raise fund during the Lent to help the poor.

A Holy Mass for the soul of fr. Frans Voss SCJ will be celebrated on Thursday 6.3. at 6 pm. Bishop Raimo Goyarrola will preside the Mass.

The Lay group of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will have their monthly meeting on Tursday, 6.3., in the parish hall after the evening mass. All interested are welcome!


There will be an adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday 7.3. in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The adoration will start after the evening Mass and will last till 10 pm.

The First Communion and Confirmation classes in Finnish will take place on Saturday 8.3.

We invite children from 5 to 8 years old to a Sunday school in Finnish. The meeting will take place on Sunday 9.3. at 10 am in the parish hall.

We will celebrate the Stations of the Cross in English on Sundays at 5.30 pm.

The palm branches, which were blessed last year on the Palm Sunday, can be brought to a basket in the entrance of the church for ashing.

We invite all couples planning to get married to a marriage course. The marriage course is a very important part of the preparation before marriage. The marriage course starts on Tuesday 22nd of April 2025 at 6.45 pm in the parish hall and consists of six meetings. The course will be held in Finnish and English.

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