Aiheet: Events

We will celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord on Monday 6.1. There will be Mass in Finnish at 10 am, Mass in Finnish for children at 11.30, Mass in Polish at 4 pm and Mass in English at 6 pm. All Catholics are obliged to attend the Holy Mass on Monday.

Stickers and prayers for the yearly home blessing are available in the porch. At the beginning pray together the Our Father and Hail Mary prayer, one reads the prayer of blessing and fixes the sticker. Donation for a sticker is at least 2 Euros to support the missionary work of the church.

A marriage course will be organized for those who plan to get married next year. The course will begin on Tuesday, the 14th of January 2020 in the parish hall of St. Henry’s cathedral at 7 pm.

October is a month dedicated to the Rosary prayer. We pray the Rosary in our church after the evening Holy Mass on weekdays, on Sunday at 5.30 pm in English. We encourage all parishioners to pray the Rosary at home especially with your families.

There will be a commemoration of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque on Wednesday (16.10). She was a French Visitation nun and mystic, who promoted devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We will celebrate the world mission day on the next Sunday (20.10). We will pray for missionary work of the Church and we will have a collection for the missions.

There will be an adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the 26th of October at 3.30 pm. in St. Henry’s church as a continuation of “Encounter with Jesus” meeting.

We invite 9 years old children to the First Communion classes in Finnish on the next Saturday, 21.9 at 10 am. There is also the First Communion class in English and in Swedish. More details on the information board.

All 14 years old youth are invited to the Confirmation classes. The Confirmation class in Finnish begins on the next Saturday, 21.9, at 3 pm in the parish hall. There is also a confirmation class in English – details on the information board.

A workshop for Lectors (Readers) will be arranged at Saint Henry’s Cathedral Parish on the 28th of September from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. All interested are welcome.

This year’s Diocesan Day begins with Holy Mass at St Laurence’s Church (Pyhän Laurin kirkko) in Lohja at 11 a.m. on Saturday, August 17th. After the Mass, which is celebrated by Bishop Emeritus Teemu Sippo SCI, there is coffee, tea and sandwiches in the church’s parish hall. Please notify your own parish of your participation no later than the Sunday before, i.e. on August 11th.


We will celebrate the feast of the dedication of St. Henry’s cathedral on Wednesday.

We pray the Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help on Wednesday after the Evening Mass.

The exaltation of the Cross – feast will be celebrated on Friday.

Catechism classes for children in Finnish will start on the next Saturday at 10 am in the English school. Classes are meant for those children who have not catholic religion classes at school.

The morning Mass on Saturday will begin at 11 am. Mass in German at 2.45.

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