Aiheet: Events

The last classes for the First Communion course in Finnish will take place on the next Saturday at 10 am in the parish hall. There will be Mass at 9.30 am and a meeting for the parents at 10 am in the church.

We ask the parents of children of school age to inform the parish whether or not your child receives Catholic education at school and give the name of the religion teacher and the name of the school. Please send this information to the parish office till the end of August.

The diocesan administrator fr. Marco Pasinato together with the college of consultors have decided to continue the safety rules in the churches till the end of August.

The feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord will be celebrated on Thursday. Mass in Finnish starts at 6 pm.

There will be an adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the First Friday of the month which will begin after the evening Mass and will last till midnight.

Welcome all volunteers to maintain the yards around the church on the next Saturday (8.8) at 10 am. We need volunteers who know how to paint windows and doors.

We celebrate the novena to Our Mother of the Perpetual Help every Wednesday after the evening Mass. You can write your petitions and drop it into a box next to the statue of Mary at the back of the church. The petitions will be read during the novena.

You can bring to the church palm branches which were blessed last year on the Palm Sunday.

There will be the commemoration of Our Lady of Lourdes and the World Day of the Sick on Tuesday, 11th of February. Our sick parishioners can inform us that they are willing to receive the anointment of the sick during the Mass at 6 pm on Tuesday or at home. The anointment of the sick is a healing sacrament in which God bestows on us all what we need physically and spiritually to overcome illness and suffering. The anointment of the sick is recommended before surgery, for those suffering from chronic illnesses, for elderly. Don’t hesitate to ask for this sacrament.

We encourage parishioners to inform the parish office about possible changes of your address in order to update our register.

You can bring to the church palm branches which were blessed last year on the Palm Sunday.

We encourage parishioners to inform the parish office about possible changes of your address in order to update our register.

There will be an adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the next Friday in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The adoration will start after the evening Mass and will last till midnight.

The World Day of the Sick will be celebrated on Tuesday, 11th of February. Our sick parishioners can inform us that they are willing to receive the anointment of the sick during the Mass at 6 pm on Tuesday or at home. The anointment of the sick is a healing sacrament in which God bestows on us all what we need physically and spiritually to overcome illness and suffering. The anointment of the sick is recommended before surgery, for those suffering from chronic illnesses, for elderly. Don’t hesitate to ask for this sacrament.

You can bring to the church palm branches which were blessed last year on the Palm Sunday.

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